Sunday, February 12, 2012

5th Grade HTML Project

Work with your partner to create your web page, start by using the 10 basic lines then build up on it.
Hello World!!!!

  1. In the Title section, write the title of your web page
  2. In the body session write about your chosen tile.
  3. Write at least 5 paragraphs on this.  (4 points for each paragraph written, max 20 pts.)
  4. Use all the different tags you learnt in HTML like - Marquee direction, font type, font color, font size, background, pictures, paragraph, horizontal line, align, line break, etc.  (5 points for each tag used, max 50 pts.)
  5. Use at least 3 new tags we never learnt in class. (10 points for each new tag used, max 30 pts.)
Useful Websites

Project Due on Feb 28 for 5A
                        Feb 29 for 5B