Work with your partner to create your web page, start by using the 10 basic lines then build up on it.
Hello World!!!!
- In the Title section, write the title of your web page
- In the body session write about your chosen tile.
- Write at least 5 paragraphs on this. (4 points for each paragraph written, max 20 pts.)
- Use all the different tags you learnt in HTML like - Marquee direction, font type, font color, font size, background, pictures, paragraph, horizontal line, align, line break, etc. (5 points for each tag used, max 50 pts.)
- Use at least 3 new tags we never learnt in class. (10 points for each new tag used, max 30 pts.)
Useful Websites –
Project Due on Feb 28 for 5A
Feb 29 for 5B