4th Grade

How the World Works

Central Idea Geological forces cause change and require the utilization of technology and the response of human societies.
How the World Works  (UOI for Computer Class)

Central Idea Geological forces cause change and require the utilization of technology and the response of
human societies.

 Students will use Microsoft Publisher to report on a recent Natural Disaster
 Students role will be that of a journalist reporting for WPS Weekly.

 Suggested websites -


Your MS Publisher will be in form of a newsletter.
Open Microsoft Publisher
Select Blank 8.5 X 11

News letter should include the following - 
Your Name and Date (5 Points)
Heading of Newsletter ( WPS Weekly) (5 Points)
Define Natural Disaster (5 Points)
Use at least 5 text box (10 Points)
Report on one natural disaster, stating date, location and effect (15 Points)
Rotate at least one text box (5 Points)
Use at least 3 different Font Style (5 Points)
Use at 2 - 4 Font sizes (5 Points)
Format your 1 - 3 text box (5 Points)
Insert Pictures (5 Points)
Cite your source (5 Points)
Include a survival tip or evacuation plan (5 Points)
Have fun reporting your event (5 Points)


How We Organize Ourselves
Please complete the worksheet -
For Careers go to -

Find a Job, how much you will make and how much education you need.

For Cars -

For A House -

Please note that your house cannot cost more than 28% of your salary

Name _______________________________
Personal Budget Web Quest Worksheet – Final Draft
Part A: Finding a Career
1. Which occupation did you choose?
2. How much will you make?
3. How much education will you need?
Part B: Finding a House
1. Where is the house?
2. How much does it cost?
3. Which web site did you use?
4. Calculation for payment (write the monthly payment and then multiply by 12).
15 year mortgage:
30 year mortgage:
5. What income would you need to afford the house? (Figure above divided by 28%.)
15 year
30 year
Part C: Finding a Car
1. What type of car?
2. How much does it cost?
3. Which web site did you use?
4. Calculation for payment, (write the monthly payment and then multiply by 12).
Three year (36 month):
5. What income would you need to afford the car? (Figure above and divide by 12%)
Part D Calculating Your Budget
Calculate your annual budget (how much money you will need each year to live). Multiply your salary by each of the percentages below (salary x 28%). Salary (Part C #2) x percent.
Housing 28%
Automobile 12%
Utilities 5%
Taxes 16%
Food 18%
Savings 5%
Entertainment 5%
Misc./Other 11%
Part E Revision Analysis
Changes I made? Why?

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