Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Excel-ent Direction

Excel–ent Directions

1.     Open Excel

2.    Change page orientation to landscape

3.    Press the caps lock button

4.    In cell C4 type X and Center it

5.    Copy and Paste into cells: C5 – C8,

 E4 –E8

 C12 – C17

 E12 – E17

6.    In cell K 17, type LLLLL and Align Right

7.    Copy and Paste into cell L17 and Align Left

8.    In cell G17, type CCCCCC and Center Align

9.    Copy and Paste into cell G4

10.  In cell E9, type XXXX and Align Left

11.  Copy and Paste into cell E11

12.  In cell K4, type L and Center

13.  Copy and Paste into cells K5- K 16

14.  In Cell F5, type CCCC and Align Right

15.  Copy and Paste into cell F16

16.  In cell D10, type XXXXXX and center

17.  Copy and Paste into cell F6 – F15, then center

18.  In cell I4, type EEEE and Align Right

19.  Copy and Paste into cells:         I10

20. In cell C9, type XXXX and Align Right

21.  Copy and Paste into cell C11

22. In cell A16, type E and Center

23. Copy and Paste into cells:        A5 – A9
                                                                      A11 – A15
                                         I5 – I9
                                         I11 – I16

24. In cell H5, Type C and Align Left

25. Copy and Paste into cells:         H6

26. In cell J4, type EEEEEE and Align Left

27. Copy and Paste into cells:        J10

28. Preview the page, then print